and Services
Our products and services offer needed solutions to
municipalities and the market for organic soil enhancement products.
Mid-Atlantic Recycling will be the market leader as the first company in the
region to collect, compost, and recycle human waste sludge for use as a
fertilizer and a soil enhancer. Mid-Atlantic Recycling realizes that consumers
today are more conscious of recycling and of their environment. Because of this
trend, there is a growing trend among consumers to move away from traditional
chemical based fertilizers more natural organic materials.
We will offer one major service and major product. Our
major service will be to offer municipalities an alternative means for
disposing of human waste sludges generated in waste treatment plants. Our major
product will be recycled (composted) human waste sludge for use as a fertilizer.
A sample of our compost has been analyzed by the West
Virginia University Agricultural Service Laboratory. A copy of their analysis
is attached to this business plan; this analysis verifies the very high
quality of the material we will produce. According to West Virginia
University, this material may qualify as a fertilizer in which case the
material's value is much higher than if it is considered a compost.
Product and Service Description
Nationwide, many landfills are closing or exhausting
their remaining capacity. However, due to environmental restrictions, zoning
laws, and other regulatory and bureaucratic delays, very few new landfills are
opening to offset the looming space crisis. Meanwhile municipal waste,
including human waste sludge, continues to flow in greater volume. Handling
their waste streams has become a major problem for most municipalities. With
more waste created daily, landfills nationwide are rapidly facing a capacity
In West Virginia this situation has been made even
more critical due to recent passage of legislation requiring that by 2008 only
landfills lined with a very heavy duty liner will be able to accept human waste
sludge. Thus, in the not too distant future, most landfills now accepting the
sludge will no longer be able to accept it. Additionally, it will be very
impractical, and cost prohibitive, to install the required liner in working
landfills. Therefore, options for disposing of human waste sludge are about to
become very, very limited, which means disposal will become much, much more
Considering this environment, we will offer
municipalities an extremely valuable service -- an alternative means for
disposal of their human waste sludge. Municipalities currently pay landfills a
"tipping" fee to dispose of their waste. The tipping fee is typically
$15 to $50 per ton; the average tipping fee in West Virginia is $32 per ton. As
noted above, in the near future many landfills will stop receiving human waste
sludge and prices are expected to increase dramatically due to simple supply
and demand. Not only will tipping fees increase, but as municipalities have to
go farther and farther afield to find accommodating landfills, transportation
costs for the waste will also increase. We will help them solve this problem, and
ultimately save them, and their tax payers, money. We will place skid boxes at
their waste treatment plants and remove the sludge for them. The tipping fee, a
fee for skid box rental, and a fee for picking up and returning the skid boxes
will be paid to Mid-Atlantic Recycling by the municipalities. This will be done
at a price competitive with or lower than what they are now paying.
Mid-Atlantic Recycling will receive the sludge and
recycle it using an organic composter. This will be a 3-day recycling process.
At the end of the three days, the human waste sludge will be converted to a
compost material safe for use in agricultural applications. Potential customers
include turf farms, fertilizer manufacturers, golf courses, nurseries,
landscapers, Government agencies, and homeowners.
Competitive Comparison
The Mid-Atlantic Recycling business model adds great
value through both our service and our product.
Our service, accepting human waste sludge from
municipalities, partially relieves the burden on rapidly filling landfills, and
provides an alternative disposal channel to municipalities facing a legislative
deadline which threatens to cut off their traditional means of disposing of the
As noted earlier, there is a trend in the market away
from chemical fertilizers toward more natural organic soil enhancements. Our
product, composted human sludge, responds to this market trend. Compost has
many advantages over traditional fertilizer. Traditional chemical fertilizer
sells for approximately $250 per ton while our compost will be priced at around
$50-$100 per ton. Our compost is similar to fertilizers; however, it reacts
differently from most fertilizers. Compost releases nutrients over a long
period of time, on average two to three months. The chemical reaction in
present fertilizers takes place immediately and usually lasts no longer than
three to four weeks. After three to four weeks, the customer may have to buy
more fertilizer, costing both time and money. On golf courses, when chemical
fertilizer is applied, golf must cease for the day; however, when compost is
applied, golf can continue uninterrupted. As demonstrated, compost has many
advantages over traditional fertilizers.
Our human sludge compost also has distinct advantages
over other types of composts as well. To be a viable, lucrative, growing
business, we must be a reliable source of compost supply to our customers. To
serve the market and grow in it availability of our product cannot be
intermittent or "hit and miss." We must be able to meet the
demand every time within a reasonable delivery time. By the inherent nature of
the business, human waste sludge will always be available for composting
in large, dependable quantities, at one or a few locations, at a
constant/stable quality and at a stable cost. Other composts cannot compete
with this in that similar quantities are not available from so few locations
which increases their labor and transportation costs related to collection.
Additionally, if collection is from farms, they may use horse manure, poultry
manure, cow manure, hog manure, etc. in varying quantities over time. This
inherently will result in a product that constantly changes in content and
quality. In fact customers view other composts as being of unpredictable
availability and unpredictable quality. Mid-Atlantic Recycling's compost will
not have these deficiencies and will be viewed as the superior compost product.
In addition to the above, the following paragraphs
describe federal small business programs that Mid-Atlantic Recycling intends to
take advantage of. These programs are available to us due to our location and
the status of our owner as a Native American (minority). Mid-Atlantic Recycling
will leverage these programs to ensure entry to the federal market. This information
was taken from federal government Internet sites.
The Historically Underutilized Business
Zone (HUBZone) program: Firms in this program have the
opportunity to negotiate sole source contracts and participate in restricted
competition limited to HUBZone firms. Also, HUBZone firms are allowed a ten
percent price evaluation preference in full and open competition. In such
cases, the price offered by a HUBZone firm will be determined lower than the
price offered by a non-HUBZone firm as long as the HUBZone firm's price is not
more than 10% higher than the price offered by the otherwise lowest, responsive
offeror. Companies can apply on-line at SBA’s website for expedited HUBZone
program admission. According to research done by the Iowa Department of
Natural Resources, government entities are the largest single buyer of compost
Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB)
program: This program offers several important incentives:
1. Price
evaluation adjustment: qualified SDBs receive a price evaluation adjustment of
up to 10 percent on procurements where mandated by regulation. The price
evaluation adjustment for SDBs bidding as primes became effective October 1,
1998. Regulations mandate this approach in competitive acquisitions over the
simplified acquisition threshold (usually $100,000) where the SIC Code for the
prime contract is authorized by U.S. Department of Commerce benchmarks. The
price evaluation adjustment does not apply to 8(a) acquisitions and small
business set-asides.
2. Evaluation
factor: qualified prime contractors can receive a credit when using SDBs as
subcontractors. This evaluation factor for SDB participation became effective
January 1, 1999. The incentive applies only to competitive negotiated
acquisitions over $500,000, or $1,000,000 in construction. Firms certified by
the SBA as SDBs remain on the list of SDB-certified firms for a period of three
The 8(a) Program:
SBA’s 8(a) program, named for a section of the Small Business Act, is a
business development initiative that helps socially and economically
disadvantaged Americans gain access to economic opportunity.
- Participants
can receive sole-source contracts, up to a ceiling of $3 million for
services. While SBA helps 8(a) firms build their competitive and
institutional know-how, the agency also encourages them to participate in
competitive acquisitions.
- Federal
acquisition policies encourage federal agencies to award a certain
percentage of their contracts to SDBs. To speed up the award process, the
SBA has signed Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with 25 federal agencies
allowing them to contract directly with certified 8(a) firms.
- Recent
changes permit 8(a) firms to form joint ventures and teams to bid on
contracts. This enhances the ability of 8(a) firms to perform larger prime
contracts and overcome the effects of contract bundling, the combining of two
or more contracts together into one large contract.
4. Mid-Atlantic's
owner is a Native American which will qualify him to participate in the SDB and
8(a) programs.
5. The
federal market is particularly appealing because the need for compost and
fertilizer materials in highway and other federal construction projects is
extremely large.
6. 3.3 Sales Literature
7. We will
prepare a general brochure with information and
maps about Mid-Atlantic Recycling's products and services for
dissemination to potential customers, including both municipalities and
compost users. Sales personnel will visit each potential customer with pricing,
maps, and reminders of the facility. Sales literature will be very
important, with the need to establish a high-quality look and feel in order to
create a trusting sense of professionalism.
Composting is biological decomposition of organic
materials. Bacteria, fungi, protozoans, insects, worms and other organisms
typically play a part in the decomposition process. Composting is nature’s
means of recycling. It will turn grass clipping, leaves, vegetables, fruit and
other organic materials into a very beneficial soil amendment. Composting is
also an effective means of reducing the amount of solid wastes going into our
nation’s landfills. Mid-Atlantic Recycling's process will greatly speed up the
natural composting process.
As briefly described above, the human waste sludge
used in Mid-Atlantic Recycling's process will be picked up from municipalities
in skid boxes provided by Mid-Atlantic Recycling. Accepting the waste, rental
of the boxes, and transportation will all be sold as a service to the
Upon arrival at our recycling facility, the sludge
will be placed into one of six organic in-vessel digesters. These vessels
are proven for composting various types of animal manure. In addition,
Mid-Atlantic Recycling's president, Oliver Pyne, has tested the unit' ability
to successfully compost human waste. The material compost produced was
tested by the equipment manufacturer (CV Organics, Inc. of White Springs,
TN) and found to be a high quality compost. Additionally, the compost
material was recently tested by West Virginia University Agricultural Service
Laboratory and found to be an exceptional soil amendment.
These recycling/composting units work as follows. The
unit is 50 feet long. The sludge is placed into one end of the unit. To make
compost, additional dry fibrous material such as sawdust, wood chips, or
bark must be added. We will acquire a steady supply of these from
International Paper Company.
The unit turns slowly, making four revolutions per
hour, to ensure that adequate oxygen gets to all of the composting material.
Also, the unit is set on a very slight, 2 degree, angle so that as the unit
turns, the material slowly migrates toward the opposite end of the unit. During
the composting process, the material heats up (due to the natural reaction) to
temperatures of approximately 140 degrees Farenheit; this kills any harmful
bacteria in the composting material. Temperature can be controlled to ensure
optimum composting environment. Also, the moisture levels can be controlled to
ensure optimum composting. After three days, the material has reached the
opposite end of the unit where it is removed.
Advantages of this recycling/composting method are as
- Recycling is completed rapidly in three days. Other methods take 90
plus days.
- Waste materials in the unit are isolated from the environment.
- The manager has precise control of moisture, temperature, and aeration
during the process to ensure the most efficient composting possible.
- In-vessel composting can maintain a rapid decomposition process
year-round regardless of external ambient conditions. The material
can be used for improvement of organic matter content and fertility of
Future Products and Services
In the future, Mid-Atlantic Recycling plans to expand
by opening additional recycling facilities throughout West Virginia and beyond.
We ultimately intend to become the method of choice for disposal of human
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