Market Analysis Summary
are customers at both ends of our supply chain that will benefit from our
services and products. Municipalities will benefit from our service by
having an alternative means of waste disposal. Other potential customers who
will benefit from our compost product include turf farms, fertilizer
manufacturers, nurseries, landscapers, golf courses, homeowners, and even the
federal government for use in highway construction reseeding. Therefore, we have
two basic market segments; those waste treatment facilities which
will benefit from our services and consumers who will benefit from our product.
The Worldwatch Institute reports that landfills are
overflowing and the costs of disposing of sewage and garbage is rising. City
leaders can relieve over extended municipal budgets, prevent the contamination
of drinking water, and help farmers build healthier soils by recycling garbage
and human waste back to farms. At least 13 U.S. states have 6 years or less
before all of their landfills are completely full. (Paper 135: Recycling
Organic Waste: From Urban Pollutant to Farm Resource.) We offer a service
by which municipalities can dispose of their waste without it having
to be land filled anywhere. This is of great value to this customer.
the other end of our process are the users of our compost. According to Cornell
University ( composting is
experiencing a resurgence of activity which is driven by increased
understanding of the agronomic benefits of compost utilization, and rising
disposal costs for municipal wastes. Also, according to Purdue University
( consumption of
compost in the commercial market is growing due to people looking for a more
organic or natural substitute for traditional chemical fertilizers. Recycling
is at the forefront of responding to this growth trend in the Mid-Atlantic USA.
We will initially focus on selling compost to fertilizer manufacturers,
nurseries, and landscapers. We already have commitments from a fertilizer
manufacturer and a landscaper to purchase 600 tons per year or more of our
compost material.
Five major market segments for compost have been
- Agriculture (for food and nonfood crops and sod farms).
- Landscapers (for industrial and commercial properties; golf courses,
cemeteries, and athletic fields; landfill covers; and damaged soils).
- Nurseries (for plant and forest seedling crops and reforestation
- Public agencies (for highway median strips, parks, recreational areas,
and other public property).
- Residents (for home landscaping and gardening).
4.1 Market Segmentation
The following table shows information regarding the
number of potential customers in our target markets. This data is based on
information taken from
As reflected in the table, there are approximately 34
waste treatment plants in West Virginia. These are all potential customers for
our collection service and sources of material for compost processing.
Additionally, there are a total of 1,779 potential customers in the initial
target market for our compost product. This includes 11 fertilizer
manufacturers, approximately 30 sod/turf farms, 324 nurseries, 483 golf
courses, and 931 landscapers.
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Market Analysis
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Potential Customers
Municipalities with treatment plant
Compost users
Target Market Segment Strategy
target our customers, we examined the market trends. Mid-Atlantic Recycling's
products target buyers of organic fertilizers and soil enhancers. This market
has grown significantly in recent years and we expect to capture a quarter
of this multi billion-dollar market.
This market growth is fueled by a more health
conscious consumer. People are better informed about the potential side effects
associated with chemical fertilizer products both to their health and to the
growth of a more organic approach to gardening comes at a time when chemical
options are diminishing. In 2000, the federal Environmental Protection Agency
reached agreement with the makers of two widely used pesticides — Diazinon and
Chlorpyrifos — to phase them out because of health problems associated with
overexposure. Popular brands of Diazinon include Ortho and Spectracide;
Chlorpyrifos is marketed under the trade name Dursban and is included in
numerous familiar products, including Ortho Lawn Insect Spray (Washington
Post, Thursday, May 10, 2001).
to an executive with the Scotts Co. in Marysville, Ohio, the pace of research
into organic products continues feverishly, and their use is bound to
Sales of organic foods have risen sharply. Organic
food sales at the retail level totaled $10.4 billion, according to Katherine
DiMatteo, executive director of the Organic Trade Association. This year,
retail sales of organic foods are expected to exceed $15 billion — with more
than $32 billion projected by 2009 (CNBC, Dec. 3, 2004).
from a 15-year study at the Kamlath Institute, Newton, Pa., might lead to a
solution that could help reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. The researchers
suggest that regenerative agricultural management systems based on organic
fertilizer can preserve carbon and nitrogen in the soil, thus reducing
emissions. Moreover, they maintain that organic methods can produce the same
yields as conventional systems that use synthetic fertilizer. If the major
corn/soybean growing region of the U.S. were to adopt these organic practices,
they say, the percentage of estimated annual carbon dioxide released into the
atmosphere from fossil fuel combustion in the nation could be reduced by one to
two percent (USA Today, June 1999).
Mid-Atlantic's products will help fill the growing
need for organic fertilizers, and soil amendments, while helping to solve the
problem of dwindling landfill space.
1.1 Market Needs
companies compete in the fertilizer market. Their major selling points are performance
and price. However, health conscious consumers have created growing competition
between chemical and organic products. Mid-Atlantic Recycling's
competition can be divided into two forms: direct and indirect.
Our direct competitors would include other compost
producers capable of producing sufficient product to supply the growing compost
demand. There is no other compost producer in West Virginia that meets this
need. Therefore, we have no direct competition in the state. Additionally,
there are only a handful in the entire Mid-Atlantic USA; therefore, our direct
competition on a regional basis is extremely limited.
Our indirect competitors are fertilizer manufacturers
(who also are a part of our target market). As noted elsewhere in this business
plan, the trend is away from chemical fertilizers, toward natural organic soil
enhancers. Thus the market for chemical fertilizer is decreasing while our
market is increasing.
1.2 Market Trends
trends in the market greatly favor the start-up of our recycling business.
Laws have been passed in West Virginia placing greater
restrictions of the types of landfills which can receive human waste sludge.
These laws take effect in 2008. Municipalities are already seeking alternative
means of disposal as disposal prices are expected to skyrocket as landfill
space decreases dramatically. Our recycling service solves this problem for
The organic industry now boasts sales in excess of $9
billion at retail, with growth forecast to continue at 25% per year
The demand for compost to use in organic farming and other applications is
growing rapidly.
1.3 Market Growth
possibility of growth in this market is realistically huge. Consider the
following simple facts:
- Municipalities
must have an alternative means for disposing of human waste; we offer a
great alternative to meet that need.
- Market
trends are skewing more and more toward organic soil enhancements and away
from chemical fertilizers; we meet this need as well.
- We have no
direct competition in West Virginia and very little in the Mid-Atlantic
All of this means that Mid-Atlantic Recycling is
poised to see tremendous growth.
Service Business Analysis
service offers a feasible, even desirable, alternative to traditional
means of disposing of human waste. Our product is a value added, soil enhancer
that appeals to the growing environmental conscientiousness among consumers.
Direct competition is almost nonexistent. We intend to position ourselves as
the logical, economical choice for human waste disposal and compost production
in West Virginia and the Mid-Atlantic region.
1.1 Distributing a Service
competitors are those companies that offer only chemical soil enhancers and
plant foods. Mid-Atlantic Recycling feels that these companies are an indirect
form of competition because though the products they promote attempt to give
the same results as our direct competition, they fall far short of current
market expectations, and it will only be a matter of time until these
companies' products will be out-dated. Even so, Mid-Atlantic Recycling does
acknowledge that as these companies' products become outdated, many companies
will be certain to phase-in their own organic substitutes in place of the
chemicals. This, in itself, presents a potential market for our compost.
1.2 Competition and Buying Patterns
be a player in the organic fertilizer and soil produce market, Mid-Atlantic
Recycling identified market needs to gain an overall competitive advantage. The
following explains our product's competitive advantages. Our product is:
- Organic: Our
organic product allows us to be responsive to the dominant market trend.
We offer all of the advantages that organic products have over chemical
- Comparable
application times: Based on the West Virginia
University laboratory analysis, our product is comparable in potency to
chemical fertilizer. Thus the application time is also comparable, which
saves money and labor since there is no need to purchase and apply
additional products.
- Recycled: This
part of our product has to do with marketing. We are a company that cares
about the consumer and the environment. We offer a valuable product, at
low cost, that saves landfill space.
1.3 Main Competitors
As noted earlier, direct competitors are essentially
non-existent in the Mid-Atlantic region. Our major indirect competitors are
chemical fertilizer manufacturers. However, their products are more costly and
do not address the market's trend toward organic, natural soil enhancers.
Some municipalities have begun composting operations
in an attempt to deal with waste disposal issues. They typically use a method
in which sludge is placed on the ground in windrows which are turned
periodically for aeration. This is an inefficient method of composting
primarily because it is slow, taking 90 or more days, which means that
availability is uncertain for consumers. Also, in this composting method high
enough temperatures are not achieved to kill harmful bacteria and seeds that
may sprout into weeds. Additionally, municipalities are not businesses, which means
their marketing capabilities are limited. Their market primarily consists of
local homeowners and businesses, which ignores the greater market. Also, this
composting method requires a lot of ground space which restricts the operation.
Finally, odor can be a problem for municipalities due to nearness of local
residents or businesses. For these reasons, municipality composting efforts are
not considered a competitive threat.
1.4 Business Participants
Recycling's direct competition includes companies that produce an organic soil
enhancement product. Organic soil enhancers are no longer a niche market.
They have grown into a strong sub-market in the fertilizer
and soil enhancement industry, and they now present significant competition
for chemical fertilizer competitors. Major direct competition includes
FSH, makers of Holy Cow Compost, and Scott's, makers of Iron Bull.
Other examples of competing products are Monkey-Doo, Roots Organic, and
Milorganite, the original (75 years) sewage sludge based organic fertilizer.
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